Brand Storytelling Workshops
Client: South East Local Land Services
The Brief: To run a brand storytelling workshop for local farms
In collaboration with South East Local Land Services, we ran our first brand storytelling workshop for small producers at MilkHAUS in Milton. Participants represented regenerative farming, eco-tourism, truffle farming, garlic farming and dairy NSW.
The workshop content was split into two parts: brand communications theory and brand storytelling. The content was designed around a learn-by-doing scenario, with exercises to develop customer profiles, ‘set the scene’, and craft the elements of a story. Participants produced some beautiful, tear-jerking, and top quality brand narratives.
We subsequently hosted our second and third workshops in Braidwood with the Local Land Services (attendees from 9 local farms) and community organisers at Landcare NSW. In the Landcare workshop, community leaders learned how to story-tell their works and events, and recruit volunteers.
We will be hosting our third Brand Storytelling workshop with the LLS in Gerroa in May 2023.
The Result: As part of the workshop, participants were offered a free one-hour follow-up session to further discuss their individual farms. All participants attended their follow-up sessions, and we have continued on with some farms to develop their visual brands and websites - using stories they have crafted themselves!
with Marine Stewardship Council